For the Love of Food & Gathering


One of my love languages is sharing food with a loved one. It brings me so much joy. I love to plan and talk about getting the food together, making it an occasion and celebration.

There is food that I share a love for in particular with many of my close friendships. It represents memories of quality time. With my husband, we love to try any and all Asian food and culture, and dream about visiting different countries together one day to try it authentically. My mom and I love to get Peruvian together whenever she visits, to remember a trip we took there together. My best friend and I always get margaritas and queso when I’m back ‘home’ with her in Alabama (you can’t get the same kind of queso in AZ!). My brother and I love the Chinese food at the mall in our home town when I see him at Christmas. There are many more examples. For me, going out to eat or cooking together at home is one of the last vestiges where you can tangibly feel like a true village and community.

If you have the opportunity to see your family (**and your relationships are healthy enough for you to support this), I’d love to invite you to sit in some gratitude for that today. My husband and I are about to celebrate 5 years living in Arizona; and our life here would be perfect if it weren’t for us not having any of our family within a day’s drive. It’s hard. We do love the AZ family we’ve made though, and look forward to sharing more food with them soon as the world opens up post-vaccine.

🌿 if it’s not too cheesy to ask (pun intended), what are some of the meals you love to share with loved ones? Leave it below! 👇

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