Foods That Support Your Mental Health

(Scroll to bottom for list of foods to copy/paste)

The gut & brain are connected & the health of both are influenced by what you eat. These foods support your mental health by nourishing a healthy microbiome and reducing inflammation in your gut & brain. Mood been down lately? If you're looking for a place to start: drink more water, and eat more of any of these--

TLDR: โ€œMake sure you have access to foods that are colorful, fiber-rich veggies, balanced with healthy fats and proteins. Aim for whole foods with plenty of fiber, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, and protein. And leave room for flexibility for everything else!โ€ Dr Uma Naidoo

Magnesium: Supports dopamine and neurotransmitter production
Foods: Spinach, almonds, cashews, flaxseed, peanuts

Fiber: Supports a healthy gut microbiome
Foods: Vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds and whole grains

Iron: Helps regulate mood and can help with ADHD symptoms
Foods: Spinach, legumes, arugula, lentils

Vitamin D: Boosts dopamine, supports gut health
Foods: Salmon, mushrooms, egg yolks

Omega 3โ€™s: Essential nutrient that acts as an anti-inflammatory that may ward off symptoms of depression and anxiety
Foods: salmon, avocado, hemp seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, flax seeds

Turmeric: Boosts dopamine, improves mood, and lowers anxiety
Add to tea

Fermented foods: Supports a healthy gut microbiome and contains neurotransmitters that are good for mental health. Also linked to increased focus
Foods: Kimchi, pickles, kombucha, miso, saurkraut

Vitamin C: Boosts dopamine
Foods: red bell pepper, strawberries, citrus

Folate/vitamin b9: Supports neurotransmitter production and supports healthy moods
Foods: Greens, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, chickpeas, legumes

Anti-oxidants: Nourish the gut, reduce neuro-inflammation associated with anxiety, brain fog, and depression
Foods: Salmon, turmeric, dark chocolate, wild blueberries, leafy greens, green tea

B12: Aids with production of mood-regulating hormones
Foods: Salmon, cheese

Water: Drinking less than 2 glasses of water a day is associated with 54%-75% higher risk of depression.

In times of stress avoid these foods:
Added sugar
Industrial seed oils
Nitrate containing processed meats

Check out more from Dr. Uma Naidoo and get her book โ€œThis Is Your Brain on Foodโ€.

For ease, copy and paste the following grocery list below to look for ways to add these foods to your day:

  • Almonds

  • Arugula

  • Avocado

  • Broccoli

  • Brussel spouts

  • Cashews

  • Chia seeds

  • Chickpeas

  • Citrus

  • Dark chocolate

  • Egg yolks

  • Greens

  • Flaxseed

  • Fruits

  • Green tea

  • Hemp seeds

  • Kimchi

  • Kombucha

  • Leafy greens

  • Legumes

  • Lentils

  • Miso

  • Mushrooms

  • Peanuts

  • Pickles 

  • Red bell pepper

  • Salmon

  • Saurkraut

  • Spinach

  • Strawberries

  • Seeds

  • Turmeric

  • Vegetables

  • Walnuts

  • Whole grains

  • Wild blueberries


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